Anne Wieder Piano Studio

Welcome to my piano studio! I’m so happy you are here! Please take a few minutes to read the following information so you and your child know what to expect during piano lessons and then read, sign, and return the consent forms and waivers. If you have questions not covered in this guide, please let me know and I’ll be happy to answer them. 

how do piano lessons work?

  • Students in kindergarten and above may enroll in piano lessons, depending on their readiness.
  • Being able to recognize letters and numbers, counting to 10, and being able to follow directions are basic skills they will need for piano lessons.
  • Lessons are 30 minutes weekly. 
  • Lessons include: private lessons, group lessons, competition, celebration parties, and 2 recitals scheduled from July through May (please see the studio calendar for specific dates). 

will my child perform in recitals?

All students in grades K-12 are required to perform in two fun yearly recitals; one at Christmas and one in the spring. 

  • Recital Dress Code for Girls: Dress or nice top with a skirt that comes at least to the knee when standing and sitting down (modesty is extremely important!), or dress pants, preference is to have their hair pulled back from the face so the performers can be seen from the side as they perform, dress shoes or cute sandals (not flip flops). 
  • Recital Dress Code for Guys: Khakis or slacks, dress socks and shoes, dress shirt, sweater, or polo shirt.  Clothing that is NOT acceptable includes sweatshirts, sneakers, athletic shoes of any kind, white athletic socks, flip flops, denim, hoodies, T-shirts, shorts, short dresses, short skirts, strapless clothing, low cut tops, crop tops that show the belly, and any other similar articles of clothing. 

what kind of piano do we need?

  • All students need either an acoustic piano that is tuned at least once a year (it is very discouraging for your child to play an out-of-tune instrument!), a digital piano or a full-length 88 key keyboard with a pedal for daily practice. 
  • A digital piano/keyboard is acceptable if it meets the following requirements:
    1. 88 keys 
    2. Weighted keys 
    3. Sustain/damper pedal 
    4. Bench of an appropriate height 
    5. Entirely self-contained or on a keyboard stand (not a table or desk), with an appropriate bench 
    6. Located in an area of the home that promotes consistent practice 
  • If you want help purchasing an appropriate digital piano/keyboard, I will be glad to provide links to a variety of suitable options. 

what will my child learn?

Lessons are taught in a positive and encouraging environment and are tailored specifically to each student's individual needs and goals. These personalized lessons include a variety of musical styles and activities, including: 

  • Reading music. 
  • Playing music from different styles, including classical, pop, country, praise and worship, and more! 
  • Understanding music theory, sight-reading, ear training, and harmonization. 
  • Using technology to enhance lessons and practice time (iPhone/iPod/iPad apps, etc.). 
  • Learning and reviewing through hands-on games and other activities.
  • Learning to practice efficiently and in a healthy way so students can become independent musicians. 
  • Most of all, lessons are structured to encourage all students to have FUN making music! 
  • See the last page of this document for a wonderful chart that describes “Your Brain on Piano”. 


how much should my child practice?

  • A regular time should be set aside each day for practice to become a daily habit and to consistently reinforce concepts and avoid cramming the day before the lesson. 
  • Treat practicing like other homework and expect it to be done daily. Unprepared lessons cost the same as prepared ones, but their value and enjoyment are substantially compromised! 
  • I stress quality practice over quantity, but the following recommendations will help your child achieve the best possible results. Your child’s optimal goal should be to practice: 
    • 5-7 years old: 15-20 minutes a minimum of 4 days per week
    • 8-10 years old: 20-25 minutes 4-5 days per week
    • 11-14 years old: 25-30 minutes 5 days per week
    • 15 and older: 30-45 minutes 5 or more days per week
  • Customized weekly assignments are written down in the child’s piano notebook every week and should be referenced during daily practice sessions for maximum effectiveness. 
  • Students should write their practice minutes on the practice chart in their piano notebook daily. This is not only for their personal accountability, but to assist me in gauging their progress. 
  • Your child’s interest in piano will probably not be 100% consistent; but to be successful, you will need to be consistent in your encouragement and commitment to music lessons. Your child may say, “I don’t want to practice” or “I want to quit”, etc. In most cases, simply acknowledge your child’s comments, and go on with your normal routine just as you would if your child said “I don’t want to brush my teeth” or “I don’t want to do my homework”.

weekly attendance

  • Because a specific weekly lesson time is set aside for each student, a student who does not attend a lesson will simply miss the benefit of that lesson. I will then use that time to plan for the student’s progress, work on additional assignments for that student, etc. 
  • There are no refunds, discounts, or makeups given unless I am unable to teach the set number of lessons offered throughout the year. The flex weeks described below, will be used in these instances where I would be unable to teach.
  • If your child cannot make it to a regularly-scheduled lesson, Zoom or Face Time is an option. However, this should not be an ongoing substitution for weekly in-person lessons unless there are extenuating circumstance,
  • Remember that your tuition pays for more than your weekly lesson. See “Where Does My Tuition Go?” at the end of this document.

what if my child is sick?

  • Students who are sick should not come to piano lessons. 
  • If your child didn’t go to school that day, your child should not come to piano. 
  • I reserve the right to send a student home if she/he appears to be unwell. 
  • If students are only mildly ill, contact me and we will do a Zoom or FaceTime lesson at the regular lesson time. Zoom is the preferred option.
  • Lessons do meet during inclement weather, except in rare circumstances. If you feel uncomfortable driving to my studio, contact me in advance and we will meet for your lesson via Zoom or FaceTime. I will provide you with setup details for both platforms prior to lesson time.

lesson drop-off & pick-up

  • If you arrive more than three or four minutes before your scheduled lesson time, please wait outside or in your vehicle before entering the studio. Dropping off and picking up your child on time shows respect for the time that I make for my other students, myself, and my family. Please be prompt for picking up your child.
  • If you arrive late for your scheduled lesson time, you will receive the remainder of the lesson and should be picked up according to the normal schedule. 
  • Please park in the street but do not block the driveway or park on the grass. 

how do we enroll?

  • Enrollment applies to the entire studio calendar year (July through May). 
  • New students may enroll at any time during the year, and tuition will be prorated to reflect the number of lessons the student will receive.
  • Submitting the enrollment form, registration fee, signed consent forms and waivers reserves your child’s place in my studio for the upcoming year. Payment of registration fee is due July 1st to secure your spot.
  • The nonrefundable registration fee covers all books and materials for the year, which I will provide, with the exception of a book bag, a metronome, extra competition music, and any music apps you might purchase. The enrollment fee also covers recital fees, other events, studio supplies needed for lessons, and more! 

tuition & billing

  • Tuition is billed per semester; July through December and January through May. Payment due dates are outlined below.
  • Automated invoices will be emailed approximately 1-2 weeks prior to each tuition payment due date. 
  • Types of payment accepted: cash, checks (made out to Anne Wieder), or Zelle.
  • Tuition includes much more than the lesson time I spend with each student. See the “What does my tuition cover?” page at the end of this document.
  • Tuition is for the entire semester and is to be paid on July 1st and January 1st. There is an additional option to pay in 2 installments each semester if requested.
  •  A $50 charge, plus any additional associated fees, will be assessed for all checks returned by the bank. 
  • Tuition rates are raised annually and take effect July 1 of each year.
  • There is an additional $50 registration fee per semester to cover the cost of the student's music and studio supplies.


flex weeks

  • Flex weeks are weeks of scheduled time off on the studio calendar that I may choose to use in the event that I have needed to take time off due to family emergency or illness. 
  • These flex weeks are days off that you are not charged for and will not pay for as they will be used for time off that I have had to take off as mentioned above. I will make sure that I am present and ready to teach the scheduled number of weeks during the year. 
  • In the event that I need to use a flex week, I will inform you via email or text. 

discontinuing lessons

  • Enrolling for lessons reserves your specific lesson time for the entire school year from July - May. 
  • However, I understand that everyone stops taking lessons at some point. The decision to end lessons should be made with careful consideration and discussion between parent, student, and teacher so lessons can end positively. 
  • For this reason, I require 30 days’ written and paid notice prior to discontinuing lessons. To discontinue lessons, send an e-mail to me at 4 weeks in advance of your student discontinuing lessons. 
  • No refunds are given for lessons that are not taken. 
  • At the discretion of the teacher, a student will be dismissed from my studio for any of the following reasons, including, but not limited to: 
    1. Practice habits that are not in line with studio requirements, consistent late payments, lack of motivation and progress, excessive absences or tardiness, failure to abide by studio policies, consistently not bringing materials to lessons, refusing to follow the weekly assignment, continual misbehavior, inappropriate or disrespectful behavior towards myself, my family, or my home, or any theft. 

is there anything else we need to know?

  • Parents should assist the student with reading the weekly assignment written in their piano notebook for the first few weeks of lessons for all children enrolled in the piano studio so that you can help them with their home practice until such a time as they can do it on their own. 
  • Be sure your child comes to lessons with clean hands and fingernails trimmed. 
  • If you are going to attend the piano lesson on occasion to observe your child, cell phones MUST be on silent mode. If you receive a phone call, you MUST take it outside as to not distract the child during their lesson. 
  • Please be aware that this is my time with your student to teach them, listen to them, allow them to make mistakes in a safe, non-judgmental place as I teach them how to navigate learning to play this difficult instrument. Therefore, I ask that there PLEASE be no coaching, correcting, or negative comments toward your student while having their lesson. 
  • No gum, food, or drinks are allowed in the studio. 
  • Shoes are not allowed in the studio. When you enter the studio, place your shoes in the designated area. You are welcome to bring slippers or socks to wear. 
  • If you have questions about your child’s progress or need to discuss something related to lessons, I can be reached by email or text. I’m always happy to talk with you about your child.
  • Please see the wonderful chart on the following page that describes “Your Brain on Piano”.